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Note: Amazon prefers book reviews based on books purchased from their store. If you would like our review to ALSO appear on Amazon, click the option in the order form below. It does not change the cost of our service, but it permits our reviewer to purchase your book from Amazon and to post their review there as well as all the other sites noted on our homepage.
$15.99 (USD) plus tax.
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We take it from here and we do the following!
We will email you with a set of interview questions and request information about you and your book (if that information is not already available on Amazon.com), and with this we create a feature article about you, the author and what inspired your book and writing, as well as your author bio. The feature includes a cover image of your book, book description, customized book trailer, links to major book retailers where people can find and purchase your book, and our review of your book. The feature permanently resides at Featured Authors.
We will ask you to email us a copy of your book. Formats we accept are PDF, Word and Epub. We will forward your book to one of our reviewers. If you opted in the Order Form above, to have our review also appear on Amazon.com, we will send a separate invoice through PayPal (which you can pay either through PayPal or using Credit or Debit card) for the cost of your Kindle book. The invoice is ONLY for the cost of the book, so that the reviewer can purchase your Kindle book and post their review directly to Amazon, as well as BarnesandNoble.com, Bookbub.com, and Goodreads.com (providing your book is listed with those retailers). The reason for this is that Amazon prefers reviews based on verified purchases from them, so we must adapt to their platform. We promote our reviews widely to thousands of readers/followers through our social media channels and we do it often.
We create a customized book trailer for your book(s) which is included in your feature as well as being permanently posted at Book Reels and at the International Writers Inspiring Change YouTube channel.
Your book appears in our bookstore at Book Catalogue - which providers readers with easy access to your book sales page.
We place you, the author, in our prestigious International Writers Inspiring Change Author Hall of Fame.
You can send us news, anytime, about your book(s), which we will post at Book News.
You can send us video or audio clips, anytime, of you doing readings of your book(s) which we will post at Author Readings.
We look forward to promoting you and your books!
If you have any questions during the delivery process, feel free to contact us.
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