A fun read for all ages
A Spooky Wish, Magic Islands by Irene Edwards. This book was written with young people in mind but can be enjoyed by all ages. It is filled with wizards, witches and magical beings. They have humorous names to make you smile. An adventure into a magical place and characters, fun read.
About Irene Edwards
Irene Edwards is a retired teacher who now writes fantasy fiction for children. As an educator, she taught Primary level in many parts of the UK; London, Essex, Coventry, Midlands, Cardiff, Port Talbot, Swansea and Carmarthenshire. She then qualified as a Teacher of the Deaf at The Lady Spencer Churchill College, Oxford, working at first within unit settings and later moving to peripatetic, for schools and clinics. Knowing how important literature and language was to the structure of speech and language development, on retirement she began to research into the imaginary minds of children and their world of literature and writing.
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