How Dare the Birds Sing is an historical fiction set in Russia, Byelorussia, and East Prussia during WWII. The story centers around four young adults, but particularly around Lyuba, her doomed love for a German pilot, and how his presumed betrayal and disappearance unleash a sequence of unfortunate events, which distort her life forever.
Ellie Midwood, best-selling historical fiction writer, writes ...
"A tale of epic proportions, How Dare the Birds Sing starts with a beautiful and unlikely love story and eventually turns into a devastating tale of war and hope lost. Meticulously researched and masterfully presented, this novel will captivate you from the start and will keep you on the edge of your seat with its wonderful prose and unforgettable characters. The brutal conditions of the war, the sacrifice of the brave warriors and partisans, the history itself comes alive in this emotional, gut-wrenching story. A truly fascinating tale!"
About Marina Osipova
Marina Osipova was born in East Germany into a military family and grew up in Russia where she graduated from the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives. She also has a diploma as a German language translator from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages. In Russia, she worked first in a scientific-technical institute as a translator then in a Government Ministry in the office of international relations, later for some Austrian firms. For seventeen years, she lived in the United States where she worked in a law firm. Eventually, she found her home in Austria. She is an award-winning author and a member of the Historical Novel Society.