Dun an Doras: Prodosia, by Gemma Tarr, is a thriller fantasy, bordering on horror genre book, the fourth in the Dun an Doras series. In this book, Ben, Ged, Branna and all the other unlikeliest of bizarre people, aka, creatures of a different sort, come together to solve the gruesome disappearance of people from Italy to Ireland. It's never what you think it is, because Gemma Tarr has an amazing imagination, and her characters and the situations they find themselves in, inevitably cast the reader into the outlandish world of trolls, werewolves, mermaids and so much more. Prodosia, while holding its own as a thriller fantasy, carries a poignant message for humanity, one that is delivered from an unusual, yet, compelling perspective. If you've read the first two books, you'll appreciate Prodosia even more, because this gang of offbeat "people" will continue to entertain you with their witty and quirky dialogues, their own backstories which are further developed, and of course, their adventures into darker realms.
Review by International Writers Inspiring Change
About Gemma Tarr
Reading is basically staring at slices of tree, risking a tree's last revenge, and hallucinating wildly. And I love it.
I have always loved reading and writing, penning short stories or long ones, writing bad poetry and staring at the sky wondering if anyone else is thinking what I'm thinking at the same time; the odds aren't great. (How did people learn you could eat an oyster and who stuck their hand in the first one thinking 'I can't wait to eat this sea bogey.'?)
As the years passed, I wrote more, I'd always been told in school that I had to learn to slow down my brain to meet my writing speed, that I had to stop thinking so much and why hadn't I just finished the quadratic equations yet. I always found it mildly unfair. Why shouldn't I love reading? I wasn't hurting anyone by devouring book after book, relishing getting a new book, speeding through another tale and smiling, content, as I closed the back cover.
Then I had 'The Problems'. I developed PTSD, anxiety and depression. Suddenly books didn't hold me anymore, I just wanted to die quietly in the corner and not bother anyone.
But one day, it hit me, books had been my escape for years, my rescuers, my friends and confidantes, why couldn't they now? Why couldn't I use the power being drained away by my mental health issues and make a whole new life.
Thus, Dun an Doras was born.
I refuse to die quietly, I refuse to let the fantasy genre die alone, remembered only by D&D players and kids. We would rise together, via mythology and legend, whipping past werewolves and banshees and settling in the wonderful world of togetherness.
Also, as we all know, these things do exist, they're just better at hiding than we thought!