Talon, Windsong, by Gigi Sedlmayer, the 6th book in the Talon series, is the kind of story that entertains the fantasies of young minds. It is the continuing saga of Matica and her friend, a condor whom she has befriended, and their adventures. There are plenty of encounters with danger to keep one reading along, but what is probably most interesting is the relationship of this young girl and the condors, and the respect and coexistence they develop. It reminds us that what we call "animals", such as these beautiful birds, is only a reflection of our inability to see them as sentient creatures, who have a mind and a soul, like us, who communicate, who have emotions, and moreover, are capable of doing things which we typically, and carelessly, assign only as human traits. If there is an intended underlying message in this series, it is quite possibly that we should just drop the whole "animal" designation, and start seeing other living creatures for what they are - and by doing so, maybe they'd start seeing us as their equivalent.
Review by International Writers Inspiring Change
About Gigi Sedlmayer
Book Excellence Award Finalist 2017, Sole Award Medalist winner with 'New Apple' 2017, Nominee with Global Ebook Award 2017, silver book award with Readers' Favorite
Sigh up for Gigi’s website http://www.gigised.com
Gisela (Gigi) Sedlmayer was born on 19 May 1944 in Potsdam, a suburb of Berlin in Germany.
Her family escaped to the West just before the infamous wall went up. They moved around in Germany until finally settling in Munich where Gigi studied architectural drafting and met Albert in 1965, marrying in December 1967. She worked as a civil drafts person in various private consultancies in Munich.
May 1975, Gigi and her husband moved to New Zealand. Because of language challenges, she started a handicraft business. As a speciality, she made colorful parrots of which she sold thousands in a few years.
May 1989, they became adoptive parents of twin girls from Fiji.
September 1992, they moved to Australia.
November 1993 Gigi was diagnosed with cancer. By the grace of God, she survived and seeing her husband writing the story about the adoption, she started to write short stories for competition since her English became increasingly better.
She entered them in competitions and often got very good reports back, which gave her confidence to go on writing. One day the idea for the TALON series came to her and she spent the next several years bringing the story and the characters to life.