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International Writers Inspiring Change featured book: The Strickland File, by Jeffrey H. Baer

Writer's picture: IWIC AdminIWIC Admin

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

The Strickland File, by Jeffrey H. Baer is a brutally realistic narrative about the life of a man, Gary, who lives in New York City, with his soon to be wife and expectant child, and the real-life issues he faces at his workplace where, because of his desperate need to hold the job, becomes the target of an abusive and corrupt management. The story is based on true events, how much of it is precisely fact and how much the author takes fictional license is not clear, but it certainly doesn’t read like a fiction whatsoever. In fact, from the very first day Gary takes the job with this advertising firm, he is treated with immense disrespect. So, imagine this, you put a pot of water on the stove and you let it simmer, eventually coming to a boil with scalding hot water spitting out everywhere. That is the feeling one has as you read through the book, just waiting for Gary to reach his threshold, and when he does, the ending is poetic justice, the ultimate finger to the corporate idiots who think they are entitled to treat people in this manner. It’s a good story, but as I said, the pot is going to simmer for a while before it finally boils over – and when it does, you’ll get a smile on your lips.

Our review of The Strickland File

The Strickland File, by Jeffrey H. Baer is a brutally realistic narrative about the life of a man, Gary, who lives in New York City, with his soon to be wife and expectant child, and the real-life issues he faces at his workplace where, because of his desperate need to hold the job, becomes the target of an abusive and corrupt management. The story is based on true events, how much of it is precisely fact and how much the author takes fictional license is not clear, but it certainly doesn’t read like a fiction whatsoever. In fact, from the very first day Gary takes the job with this advertising firm, he is treated with immense disrespect. So, imagine this, you put a pot of water on the stove and you let it simmer, eventually coming to a boil with scalding hot water spitting out everywhere. That is the feeling one has as you read through the book, just waiting for Gary to reach his threshold, and when he does, the ending is poetic justice, the ultimate finger to the corporate idiots who think they are entitled to treat people in this manner. It’s a good story, but as I said, the pot is going to simmer for a while before it finally boils over – and when it does, you’ll get a smile on your lips. - International Writers Inspiring Change

About Jeffrey H. Baer

iWIC Interview:

Tell us about yourself

I’m 52 years old and live in Coney Island with my long-time girlfriend Karen. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2002, but I’ve had it and all the trimmings my entire life. Being autistic creates struggles for me where most people succeed, but like others on the spectrum, I’m good at one thing—in this case, putting words together.

What inspired you to write?

I was able to read the Times Square message board at age two, I was so fascinated by the words moving across, I didn’t realize a crowd gathered around me and watched me in amazement. If I’d thought of passing the hat around, I might have made enough money to start a writing career sooner than I actually did.

Is there a message in your book?

As much as I enjoyed reading bestsellers over the years, I always thought the average commuter would appreciate novels about his/her seemingly ordinary life. Fellow writers cringed at the idea of a novel about office politics, which people already endure too much of to read about. But I believe there’s drama everywhere you look, and if you can give it some creative thought, you can elevate a mundane aspect of life to literary heights.

What have readers said about your book?

At the risk of bragging, I found most Amazon reviewers thoroughly enjoyed THE STRICKLAND FILE as well as A SONG APART. Here’s my favorite:

“1995, Manhattan. Gary Strickland and his girlfriend Angela Wexler live in a Park Slope apartment. The two have recently graduated from the prestigious Baruch College. When we pick up the story, Gary is nervous and excited as he picks out an engagement ring for Angela. The two have been friends since childhood and throughout the book they have a charming chemistry which makes them quite likeable.

Unfortunately, just as he plans the rest of his life, Gary loses his job as an accountant. In fact, despite graduating from such an excellent college, Gary realizes things are tough in the “real world.” Although he quickly finds a new job, working as a collections’ manager for a magazine publisher, his career descends into something of a rat race, with a chaotic boss and a wide assortment of office personalities, some good and some downright annoying.

To illustrate the point that Gary is maturing from youth to adulthood and that the days of college and a carefree life are over, Jerry Garcia, a symbol of hippiedom and perpetual youth, dies, sending one of Gary’s co-workers into a depression.

Along with this reference there are several other allusions to current events of the middle 90’s. Being an ardent basketball fan, I feel like I’m right there as Gary and Angela go to Madison Square Garden for a game between the Knicks and Pacers, who were big rivals in those days, though never a match for Michael Jordan and the Bulls.

Eventually Gary brushes off the Manhattan office and he and Angela, along with their two young children, find happiness away from the drudgery of the Manhattan office scene. Overall, this book is well-written, and I particularly enjoyed the author’s use of dialogue as well as the italicized inner thoughts of Gary, who often sees the irony of his surroundings.”

And for some perspective, here’s a different but amusing three-star view from Goodreads:

This is such an odd book. I did learn two things: reading about people watching sports on tv is boring. Also, if you are a very, very bad person, when you die you will go to New York City.”

Tell us about your book, The Strickland File

If you’re familiar with AS on any level, you know we struggle to find and keep jobs. Baruch College helped me find work at a small CPA firm in March 1990, but after tax season the employees scraped up work for me. After I was (AHEM) laid off four months later, the college found me a collection position at a trade magazine publisher. The CFO hired me fairly quickly, maybe because I was a recently sacked student angling for the next offer—even for a simplistic and thankless job. The other employees watched the CFO degrade me at every turn for five years and decided they could mistreat me even though I was responsible for the incoming money. I’m not sure I fully healed from the experience, but I learned such workplace behavior is never necessary.

Do you have any upcoming release that you want to mention to readers? A sneak preview?

I’m four chapters into the rough draft of DESPERATE PEOPLE, a satire of Sidney Sheldon’s work. I actually started writing it in 2010, but I put it aside because 1) researching the nightclub industry and the FBI vs. the Mafia was tougher than I expected, and 2) THE STRICKLAND FILE desperately needed editing.

Author Bio:

While writing fiction and songs for most of his life, Jeffrey H. Baer was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in 2002. He believes in encouraging others on the autism spectrum to discover and use their unique gifts. Mr. Baer lives in Coney Island and works part-time for a Manhattan-based security systems company. He is the author of a previous novel titled A SONG APART.


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